Sunday, August 7, 2011

Life style of animal

              We know there are tow types of animals as their living  habits. The animals they are used by humans and keep them are called domestic animals. Cow, buffalo, goat etc are the domestic animals. Domestic animals has good life in some cases like searching of food and shelter because human  provides them whatever they need but they are under control, is the bad aspect.
   The animals which live in forests or out side the humans control are called wild animals. Tiger, lion. leopard, wild dog are the wild animals. Wild animals are free of living. They have no any control but they have to manage everything for their lives. They have to search food themselves and keep safe from attackers. 
    These days the population of wild animal is decreasing day by day because of hunters.
 Hunters kill wild animals for meat, skin and other uses. Animals skin is useful to make clothes and leather based accessories. Leather of rhino and horn are the main cause of being killed which can be sole in high costs.

Animal's as their food habits

       There are so many kind's of animal's in the world. They have different food habit's by nature. Some of them eat grass only, some flesh only and some of them eat both grass and flesh. As their food habit's animal's are divided into three types.
1. Herbivore,
2. Carnivore,
3. Omnivore.
    Those animals which survive only on plant based food's are known as herbivore animals. These types  of animal's feed is grass and plants.For example: cow, buffalo, deer,goat etc.

Those animal's which eat flesh(meat) only for their food are known as 'carnivores'. These types of animals survive only on flesh of other animal.One carnivore hunts another for their food. For example: lion, tiger.wild dog etc.

Those animals which eat  both types of food (flesh and plant based) are called omnivore. An  omnivore either hunts other carnivores or eats plant Omnivores eat plants, but not all kinds of plants. Some of them eat fruits and other' egg. For example: bear which eats flesh and plant or fruits. 

Zoo "the animal jail"

     All the  people like to visit the "zoo". Every people makes plan to visit the zoo at least once in life and the zoo of difference places. Specially children's become happy and start dance if we said them about visiting zoo and they remain happy couple of week's talking about the visited zoo with friend's and family. They remember for long time because visual remain's  on their memory.
   Zoo is a perfect place for student's to learn about animal's because as much as possible all available animal's and bird's are kept.That's the reason school's carry their children's for learning. Specially those animals and birds which are not everywhere and can't see outside because they hide themselves to keep safe from human. For example; lion, deer,beer or birds too.
    I t is good to see the animal's from around the world at place but is that animal right..? Domestic animal's want freedom. They might be more happy even they remain hunger for day's than they get the dietary food in the zoo on scientific schedule. So i think 'zoo' is the "jail" for animal's

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Funny animal's

Simply, everybody likes fun and funny environment. Doctor's advice that being happy and laughing make's better health.
        When we talk about fun, how to do or create fun and funny environment ? is a big question ? no. Fun happen's in two ways.
        Planned fun,
        Auto fun.
 Planned fun means making funny moments by certain  plans which can do by people themselves or by using animals, specially monkey. Magicians or some people who are god gifted can make fun to make people happy and entertaining. But the animals are innocent and create funny moments even they are angry, fighting each-other, searching for food, playing or walking create autofun. For example: cat is the most funniest animal  i think which make fun at every moment and the dog specially puppies with mother and kids. Always like play in amazing and exciting moods.
 On the other hand monkey is the fumiest animal which always makes fun itself and for other's too. Some Peoples use monkey's to their fun making profession for surviving.

My opinion about "Animal"

            In the world of living things, animal is also a most essential participant for the world system to run properly. Sometimes i ask myself 'if there were no animals in the world, what would happen? Because there is a circle between the gods creation. One is connected with another and another to another and another to one. So the life  is depending to one-another. It is like a circle and if there is no "animal", i think the circle wouldn't be   complete or world would be some thing different than it's now.
     If somebody ask me what is the purpose of "rat"? Rat is unnecessary in the world. I have to answer, he is wrong. Off-course rat digs, cuts the plants and clothes and ever irritates the people but its digging helps the people to survive. Yes, from the digging of the rat, rainwater goes to the inner part of the earth and  goes to the well which helps human to survive.
   So, as rat, other animal like cat,dog,tiger,and all the animals are essential to the world system.

Dog"the friend of human"

       Latest modern facilitated houses or buildings, huge iron gates, and a small information board written"BE AWARE OF DOG".
        Out side the expensive and attractive buildings, its the fashion to writing  "be aware of dog". Not only the fashion but also the competition to import the expensive dogs from foreign countries and exhibit them to the neighboring and increase the image of family.In some houses we can see like dog farming because we can see dogs, not a dog. Nowadays dog is using as a rich family member instead of a home security. They are reared as a family  including high slandered food, medication and  other facilities. The dog lover's like to pay lot of money if they find their choices.
    Peoples like to show their dog on their morning walk,on travels etc:. Specially girl's (ladies) like to take the dog as their kids. So that we can see so many dog providers in the market. They are taking good advantage from dog buyer's by providing the chosen dog. 

Animal human relationship

            Directly or indirectly there is relationship with everything (living or non-living). in the world of living things, one takes the advantage from another to fulfill one's need's. Living thing uses living or non-living things. So there is direct or indirect relation between human and animal.
            Among so many related things to human, animal is the one necessary thing because animal is the one source of food even it was on ancient days or nowadays. Either that is wild or domestic, human can take advantage from both of them as milk provider, work assistant or as meat.
          Not only the animals are useful  to human beings but also the human beings are useful to animal. Human is the source of food for animals, directly to the domestic animals and indirectly to the wild. Human uses the animals to take advantage from them and provides all necessary matter's to animal including feed, shelter etc. And the wild animals also take advantage from human by stealing domestic animals for their food.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Organism except human being specially mammals are known as animal. Animals give birth and they have some sense too. For example: Dog, cow, buffalo, tiger, leopard, giraffe etc.
Animals are divided into two types according to their living styles.
1. Domestic animals,
2. Wild animals
Domestic animals:- Those animals which are kept under the control of human beings are called domestic animals.  These types animals life is on the hand of human. Human manages their food, living and other necessary matters for life and takes the advantage from them.Examples of domestic animals are: cow, buffalo, goat..etc.
Wild animal: Those animals which manage their life themselves are known as wild animals. Wild animals have to manage everything what whatever need for their life including food, shelter and other. Examples of wild animals are: Tiger, leopard, fox, elephant, lion etc.
Note: ( some animals are of both types, like buffalo, cow, dog, cat..can spend their life with human as domestic animal and can be found as wild too. For eg. wild dog, wild cat, wild buffalo etc.)  


Cow is an animal which have two ears, two eyes, two horns, four legs and a tail. It is a domestic animal but it can be found as a wild animal too.
     Although most of the animals are useful to human beings, cow is a animal which helps to human beings
in many ways. for example milk provider, dung is good for agriculture and the oxen for cultivating land and pull the goods and a source of meat.
we say "calf" to the young born baby of cow. A calf is either a bull( male) or cow (female). A cow is called 'HEIFER' before she gives birth, after first deliver, she known as first heifer and after that "cow".
        In Nepal, specially Hindus, cow is respected as mother because she provide milk for us. Cow is prayed in Nepalese great festival "Deepawali or tihar" as GAITIHAR.
These days cow is useful too human beings mainly as a milking machine.The meaning, cow is reared in a large scale in modern farming system and produced milk to fulfill the marker demand of milk and milk productions.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


In the animal world, among the thousands of species, Elephant is the huge animal with big ears. Elephant has four legs which  looks like pillars. It has two eyes, one long trunk, tusks and a tail.
Trunk is the tool  of elephant which helps them to pull, break and supply the grass or other feeds. when the weapon is needed, elephant uses the trunk too to fight with enemies. Elephants like stems on their feed.  Although  elephants are big in size, they are honest, so human's are using them for traveling and entertainments.  But when they get angry, can destroy humans,trees and even houses in minutes. they like to stay in groups and helpful to each other. elephants like to swim on muddy water and mud on their body protects them from insects.

Normally elephants can be found in Asia and Africa. In Asia, elephants can be found in the forests of Nepal, India and Sri lanka.